Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sons of Anarchy, Season Three, Episode Two
Once again last night’s episode flew by making it hard to believe we got our full forty minutes but no matter. What we did get were some all too necessary answers about the drive by shooting. We now know that Deputy Hale didn’t make it. Not that it came as a real surprise. Especially after witnessing the van so graphically drive over him with both the front and rear wheels. The vivid footage made that pretty clear. Now we know that Chief Unser will be staying to the delight of the Sons.
Deputy Hale’s brother always smelled bad and last night he turned up the stench. We will need to keep an eye on this one he’s no friend to the Sons. Gemma’s reunion is both bitter sweet yet brings us some well needed levity. Tig being nothing more than the sexual deviant that he is can’t help but “Bonk” the Guatemalan caregiver working in her fathers home. Let me interject that there are behinds that you want to see naked, such as Jax or Opie, maybe eve Juice. However Tigs naked white ass not so much! Sadly or hysterically dear ole Dad’s dementia gets in the way of Tigs loud and raucous love making. Dad’s mind wanders yet his hearing is fine. The dementia leads him to believe it is his dead wife Rose Gemma’s departed mommy dearest under the stranger and not the Guatemalan. He gets his trusty old rifle and shoots Tig in the back spoiling his big finish!
Later we learn that the hired caregiver is onto Gemma discovering there is a twenty-five thousand dollar reward for her capture. Naturally this most assuredly illegal alien wants to cash in. I burst out laughing thinking to myself that the poor thing has no idea who she’s messing with. Silly girl!
Under the circumstances Unser is able to release Jax allowing the search for baby Abel to resume. You gotta love Chucky the now fingerless, x-masturbating bean counter who has now firmly attached himself to SAMCRO. He runs screaming threw the hospital wards allowing the Redwood Originals to question the captured gunman. Naturally he’s hospitalized after Jax repeatedly smashed his face into the asphalt. They check his tattoos but come up empty until Jax pulls out his bottom lip. Looking inside he finds the well hidden ink he’s looking for. This discovery tells them most of what they need to know but not all.
Next the crew enters the home of the President of a wannabe tough guy motorcycle club who’ve apparently aligned themselves with the Mayans. The Sons suspect that this is a patch over and the drive by was a down payment on their new Mayan chapter. It isn’t until they bury the guy up to his neck in a very deep hole. Then ride their motorcycles at his protruding head which finally loosens his tongue. He tells them the Mayans need to move their “horse” threw Charming from Lodi in order to get it inside the prison. This comes as a genuine surprise to the Sons who hadn’t realized that in spite of Sobel leaving the country that the deal was still on the table. This could be a very costly mistake.
As I said before funerals in the motorcycle world are sacred. All clubs rivals or otherwise stand clear of retaliation at all such events. They do this out of respect for the dead and more importantly for the protection of their families and loved ones who may be attending the funeral. I’ve been around a long time and I have never seen retaliation metered out at a wake. That is the difference between reality and fiction albeit a nice twist in the plot however in the real world all hell would break loose!
We are left with the crew facing serious options suggesting war is not only bloody but costly and with little Abel still missing their focus is elsewhere. They hope to use the wannabe as leverage however for now we will have to wait and see. Meanwhile Clay sits down with the Irish assuring him of the facts which are that the ATF bitch shot Cameron’s son not Gemma. Jimmy O. believes SAMCRO but appears to have some other agenda when he lies to the club assuring them that Cameron never made it out of the country. We are left to wonder what that snake is up to. Ah the characters we love to hate and this part is well played by Titus Welliver. Why doesn’t he tell the club where the baby is mending the fences allowing them all to move on with their business? Why, why, why now we must wait for next week when we hope they fill in the blanks.
Across the pond we see little Abel is being well cared for. However we get a glimpse of the churches deep involvement in the Irish revolution that has ground on for more than one lifetime. It is promptly decided that Cameron acted foolishly when he heard about his son’s murder. The dilemma being that SAMCRO wants his head on a pike and the Fed’s want him too. So of course the only humane thing to do is for his own people to take him out. The Irish complete this act with a tidy garroting right there in the church pews. Ah religion and their murderous acts of contrition.
Bobby’s x-wife and the mother of his children, Precious, are bought on board. When the skills of her bounty hunting Guido boyfriend are needed. The hot headed redhead angry at her X for being behind on his child support loses her temper and clocks Bobby squarely in the face. The scene was great and sadly too true. Bobby is portrayed realistically. Like many outlaws or any real man for that matter, hitting a woman isn’t in the cards, no matter what she might do. Her Guido boyfriend agrees to help the club if the club will provide a little muscle on a bounty he’s working. All agree and the chase begins ending with the bounty being struck by a hybrid car which ends the chase. Later Guido provides the club with a photo of Cameron taken at a train station in Canada.
We don’t know if they club now doubts the word of Jimmy O, Chibs long time rival or what exactly. We do know that Tara has grown a pair and a mind of her own. Against Jax wishes and warning about aiding and abetting Tara dances to her own drummer. We are left with her on her way to help momma Gemma and Tig who currently has a bullet lodged in his back. Go Tara…
As with the previous seasons which are as addictive as popcorn this one hit the ground running and hasn’t stopped. I haven’t looked this forward to a television series since the Soprano’s went off the air. We rushed threw dinner with friends in order not to miss the show. Everyone involved gets all six shots. That’s right I’m a fan!
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