So much for the crow flying straight! This episode was made unavailable by Fox on the Dish Network due to some apparent disagreement punishing the viewers. Lucky for me i was finally able to view it yesterday. Shame on you FOX!
The episode opens with Gemma handcuffed to her hospital bed. Remember her heart went on the fritz after hearing the shocking news from Belfast. A parade of people visit her including Sheriff Unser. He recues him self from helping SAMCRO any further based on the towns new found disapproval of the club. There’s no real surprise here since the may lay at Half Sacks wake which left officer hale dead. It appears they are the straws that broke the Charming’s back when it comes to the Son’s. One by one everyone seems to be stepping away from the club.
An angry Gemma confronts her family about why they lied about Abel. They in turn tell her they are headed for Canada to find him, showing her the picture taken of Cameron with the baby. Her news rocks to the core them when she informs them where the baby really is. This triggers a series of “what if’s” sending Jax mind reeling. Making them ask the questions again. Why would Jimmy O want to keep baby Abel and why is he lying about what he knows? Clay knows at once that the Belfast MC has turned away from their true loyalties figuring most likely that money played a part and the MC is resting comfortably in Jimmy O's pocket. Now they understand what triggered Momma Gemma's heart arrhythmia. When Clay and Gemma are finally alone they face the reality of some old stones being over turned if Jax goes to Belfast. It appears to be a concern they can do little about.
Tara fully of sadness and worry admits that she is pregnant to Gemma in a cold yet teary moment. She confesses too that she was there when baby Abel was taken. Tara makes a trip back to the OR at the administrator’s insistence the woman later revokes Tara's leave of absence much to her surprise. We all know that this will make Jax more than happy. He will feel much better knowing where he can find his girl in all this madness.
The Calaveras from Lodi, which loosely translates into the word “skull” in English, rear their ugly heads beating the crap out of Juice and pulling his patch. Losing your patch in the club world is the ultimate no, no. You should die trying to keep it rather than losing it and live. Yet again I must remember this is fiction. In the real world Juice more than likely would have received another beating only this one would be much worse and at the hands of his brothers. However because of this event they learn where the Mayan’s are warehousing their goods. Due to Tig's quick thinking they also learn when and how they are shipping them. This is all good news for the broke MC.
All the while the ruthless agent Stahl is in and out of Gemma’s room spreading her poison. The deal she offered Gemma is off the table and out of her newly demoted hands. She is now forced to use her own vehicle since her shiny black ride and goon squad is no longer in her per view. Her life sucks and she wants to take it out on Gemma Teller-Morrow who has everything this cold bitch doesn’t. Later she informs Gemma that in addition to what she’d told her earlier the Fed’s now expect her to rollover on her family. This means she is to rat out the club or they will put pressure on the club to rollover on her. Why this is surprising to everyone I don’t understand. However in my mind Stahl is really not very smart. There is no way in hell that she or the Fed’s will ever divide that family. Silly bitch!
Across the pond the nervous Molly remains loyal to SAMCRO. Her Belfast Son delivers the telephone message from Jax. He confirms that the Belfast Son’s knew that Cameron brought Abel but could not find the wee one. She loves him but loves her life more knowing the Army will do her far greater harm and tells him so. With that said she makes the second call to Charming. She confirms that Abel is in Belfast. Her young daughter who both took Jax call and over heard this one begins probing her mother for some answers. In a motherly outburst with a stiff drink in hand she tells her daughter old secrets are about to be reveled. Since we know John Teller was on both sides of the pond it leads me to wonder what he might have left behind.
Jax has heard enough, seen enough and done enough then he goes rouge to get some answers. He returns to pay a visit to Jimmy O’s number two Luke. With gun in hand he gets closer to the truth. The fancy spin has Jax turning up at agent Stahl’s front door later that night with a gift. He lays a deal on the table that if accepted would save his son, his Mom and his club. However if she agrees it still makes him a rat. The power hungry, rug muncher is dubious at first then realizing the advantages agrees setting the scene for a trip to Belfast.
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