Well folks another season has flown by with only the final episode to answer any remaining questions and to leave us with a few new ones. Let’s hope this season’s ending is as powerful as last years. So here is what we know our Charming Son’s arrived safely from Ireland with baby Abel in tow. With that said everything is hardly coming up roses. Let’s see Tara has been kidnapped by Alvarez who is half crazed and filled with vengeance. Not a good place for our girl. Jimmy O is back in the USA protected by the Russian mob that is willing for a price to get him out of the country. Hail is the man behind the real estate takeover that caused Lumpys death and in another backhanded move helped cause the demise of the Charming Police Department. Meanwhile our favorite back stabbing agent has been laying the ground work to throw her lady love under the bus.
At the table Clay hands out duties and announces some harsh realities. They are definitely going to jail for some period of time over the gun beef. They understand that is a given. The problem is that leaves the charter and Charming vulnerable. Clay needs bodies to follow his orders knowing he can run their business from inside the can no sweat. They need at least six additional bodies to handle everything locally while they are away. A vote on Kosic switching charters goes nowhere with Tig still the hold out. Clay’s not happy.
Later Kosic talks to Tig to see if they can ever get past the roadblock. Tig confesses that he just can’t let it go. The it? The love of a woman or so we thought tugs at our heart strings. Kosic appears to understand but reminds Tig he loved her too. Tig sits on the swing mooning over a photo of what we believe is his one time lady love. You bleed for the guy thinking wow Tig was actually in love once. Yet Kosic somehow screwed it up. Bazinga! We are all played. The photo is of Tig and what else a dog! That’s right man’s best friend a four legged bit of fluff causing all the bad blood we’ve witnessed in past episodes. I laughed my ass off it was so damn funny.
Jax checks in with agent Stahl who is pushing for more information about the Irish shot callers than he’s willing to give. He won’t play ball without Tara’s safe return. Gemma is still worried about the deal her son made with the nasty agent and has an idea of her own. Everyone hit the ground running trying to untangle a web that will lead to harmony in Charming and in their own lives. Opie wearing that stupid fucking hat seeks momma Gemma’s advice about love and marriage. He wonders if Lila is the right girl and Gemma assures him that she is. You see yesterday’s slut becomes tomorrows old lady. At least they got that part right.
Gemma kidnaps agent Stahl at gun point threatening her. She assures her that she will retract her statement pointing the finger back at Stahl if she fucks with her son. You could almost see the wheels turning. Stahl’s girlfriend saw the whole thing wanting to turn Gemma in but in typical Stahl fashion she talks her way out of it. Man the handwriting is on the wall and later the script doesn’t let me down.
Marcus the Mayan king is worried about Salazar spilling his guts to the cops about the nice little heroin trade he and his boys have in play. Clay intended to smooth things out with him telling him they need Salazar alive. Sadly Marcus is not playing he doesn’t care what they need if he finds him first Salazar is a dead man. Bobby picked up Salazar’s aunt who only speaks Spanish leaving him in the dark. Marcus gets her to talk using the persuasion of his Beretta. Following the lead she gave they learn his girlfriend is dead along with the driver of the car Salazar jacked. Salazar with Tara locked in the trunk of the new ride watches Hail waiting for the right moment.
Salazar barges into Hails office with Tara bound and scared to death. Now he has two bargaining chips. When all is said and done the not so smart Chicano wants Jax and a getaway van. After listening to Salazar make his big speech about who he’s going to do what to Jax acts. Hail stabs Salazar and the chase is on. The Mayan’s want him dead. Unser needs him alive to prove Hail is dirty but Jax has plans of his own and none of which end with Salazar breathing. Go Jackson!
In all the ciaos and confusion of the moment Agent Stahl makes her move. She point blank shoots her lesbian girlfriend in the neck with some little throwaway handgun she just happens to have stashed on her person. Let’s face it the girlfriend can’t stay stupid forever she’s seen and heard too much. What’s a dirty agent to do? Stahl fires some wild shots barking into her radio about some Mayans that shot her partner. The girlfriend dies a little more slowly than Stahl would have liked but in the meantime she wipes the gun clean and tosses it away.
Later we listen as agent Stahl makes her statement to internal affairs. She tells them that her partner made a dying confession weaving a web that points the death of Cameron Hayes son onto her partner taking the blame off Gemma. TaDa! Our favorite mother is off the hook. Better yet Jax gets to see the ultrasound of the newest little Teller and he and Tara are set. Sadly Unser is out of a job but is welcomed back into the fold with the Son’s. Hail will now be a shoe in for Mayor unless Tara might have learned a thing or two while she was with Salazar one can only hope.
The Son’s never seem to have a chance for any down time there is so much going on in every episode. We know that Jax has got to deliver Jimmy O to save the club from future legal fallout especially since Stahl kept her end in regard to his mother. The problem lies with the club wanting to turn him over to the Irish well that and Jax turning rat even if he means it in a good way. If the club finds out as the previews allude to then our prince of all things SOA could just as easily be the dead prince and Gemma couldn’t do anything to stop it or could she? I think the writers need to pencil in a run next season. The SOA and their families all deserve a break. Besides it would give the world a peek at how bikers decompress.
I can’t say more than I love the twists and turns the ups and downs and the laughs thrown in for good measure. I give this episode five out of six shots. I can’t wait for the finale. No that’s not true once this is over what will I do on Tuesday night which because of The Son’s of Anarchy has become the best night on television.
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