Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wild Hogs (2007)

This is a fun and oh, so funny, yuppie, hit the road biker film. John Travolta, Tim Allen, Martin Lawrence and William Macy make this laugh out loud funny. The truth is, we all know and may have even ridden with, a guy like, any one of the movies characters.

The premise is four, forty something, suburbanites who have lost their zest for life; hatch a plan while having a beer at their favorite bar and “Wal La” the Wild Hogs ride again. These guys like a lot of folks only ride their bikes once a week and that is only as far as their local watering hole. In the movie like many in real life, these bikes have never seen the open road.

Although some parts are corny and the biker badass played by Ray Liotta, is a poor fit, it’s still funny. Again these bikers are made to look like buffoons and or stupid, incompetent, morons take your pick; but if it’s all taken in good fun, then it is a good laugh. I personally have witnessed the happy dance Travolta performs solo in the movie by someone who will remain nameless!

From the frequent pee stops to the numb balls and I can’t feel my legs the over forty humor is great. This movie is suitable for the entire family or a group with a few beers in them will have a good laugh. The boys are riding real Harley's, Travolta and Allen are riding Fat Boys, Lawrence is riding a Springer softail and Macy no surprise is riding a Sportster. Macy’s character is a “dooff” but the stunt rider playing him is really something!

I highly recommend you check this out its well worth the look.
It gets six out of six shots!

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