Not exactly what I would call a biker flick however there was one nice looking old school Softail, one not so hot looking Dyna along with a bullet riddled Kawasaki and a cop bike. Beyond that is where the biker part of it ends. It is however a fairly well done buddy flick with plenty of quips and clever banter between the movies stars Mickey Rourke and Don Johnson.
The two lead characters are a couple nary do wells that reunite at their favorite watering hole. Of course this bar is located in of all places Burbank, California. The camera jumps back and forth between the airplane bone yard in Arizona and Burbank trying to make you believe they are one in the same. Poor Don Johnson, the Marlboro man who never lights any of the cigarettes that hang from his lips, until he’s dumped by his long term booty call aka the lady cop. Worse yet, he doesn’t get a costume change until the very last scene of the movie a far cry from his Miami Vice days.
Overall the movie is a good time, easy to watch and it moves right along. The bad guy played by Tom Sizemore, who is always easy to dislike. His band of robotic, Kevlar enhanced duster wearing, henchmen, lead by one of the Baldwin brothers. The script although not very realistic is easy to track and has enough action to keep it moving along.
This one gets four shots just for the fun factor.
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