Saturday, October 24, 2009

Born Losers (1967)

Wow I forgot all about this movie and I should have left it that way. It is a true “bikers are psycho rapists” movie and man are they busy in this one. It is also what I believe is the very first “Billy Jack” movie with Billy being played by Tom Laughlin. If your old enough you’ll remember they made a few of these about a righteous, x-Green Beret, American Indian, who avenges anyone needing his help.

In this one he’s avenging the young girls of his town that were raped by the one piece patch wearing, psycho bikers. It’s obvious that this one was filmed on a shoe string budget and boy does it show. The acting is comical, the bikers and their wacky outfits are laughable. Not to mention the ridiculous white shades worn by their leader “Danny”. No real biker of the day would have been caught dead in those glasses not unless he was riding sidesaddle.

Since I haven’t a single favorite scene in this movie, I’ll tell you about my least favorite. This scene shows the freshly raped young girl recovering at home and naturally decides to perform a strip tease in front of her mirror for her stuffed animal. Are you kidding me? Even I know rape victims don’t behave like that. Not in the 1960’s and not today. The director and the writers should all be bitch slapped for being so damn stupid.

Funny, but outlaw bikers wear leather to protect against road rash yet in this film little rich girls ride Jap bikes in Bikinis! Yea, like we see that everyday! The plot is weak; the bikers are buffoons, who deservedly get stomped by the pissed off Indian. Give that man a casino…

This gets one shot if someone will loan me the bullet!

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